Judgy McJudgerson

Are IT People uniquely judgy or is that common to all specialists? 

I know I get insanely wound up when I see someone Using A Computer Wrong. Some of the things that will set me off: 

  • Unused icons in the dock
  • Unused toolbars on screen
  • Manually dismissing notification after notification, when each one has a “don’t show me this again” checkbox
  • Navigating to a website by Googling its name, then clicking the first result 

It’s not just computers (or those other computers that for some reason we persist in calling “phones”), either. If I see someone driving a car which I am pretty sure comes with Bluetooth, but they have their phone in their hand? HATE RAYS FROM MY EYES. 

I know lots of IT people are like this, but is it exclusive to our tribe? Do fashion people look at people’s shoes and feel physical pain? Do professional writers just write off1 Facebook and in fact most of the web? Do car people have to restrain themselves from carjacking people in order to do some way overdue maintenance on their vehicles? Those are just a few examples which I can sort-of relate to, but I’m sure there are more.

  1. Sorry - not sorry.