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Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators’ Revolution, by Rebecca F. Kuang

The horrible suspicion that I might be Letty. That is what this book leaves me with, as a White child of Empire: I would not have been one of the Balliol boys, boozily judging all beneath them, but for all that I might be one kind of outsider, I am still in so many ways playing on easy mode. I feel Robin’s grief and horror, but it is not mine.

But what a book. The meticulously researched details, cast into the background of one scene and never referred to again — because what matters is the human stories playing out in the foreground.

This review was thumb-typed into Apple’s Journal app. I started writing book reviews there, but found typing lengthy text on an iPhone keyboard to be more friction than I was willing to deal with. There is no sign of Apple bringing Journal to one of its platforms with proper keyboards, so at this point I have given up on the idea of keeping up these reviews.

If you want a more extensive discussion of Babel, check out the Guardian’s review.

🖼️  Cover image from publisher’s website